
How to change the color of windows 8
How to change the color of windows 8

how to change the color of windows 8

I have read all of the similar threads that I could find on the Internet but nothing appears to work.

how to change the color of windows 8

I also tried changing ListViewShadow directly in the registry, again with no Using Regedit at HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Explorer, Advanced yet there is still no affect upon the Desktop screen, even when rebooted. I verified that the ListViewShadow is being changed Within the Control Panel I have selected System, Advanced System Settings, Advanced, Performance, Visual Effects where I unchecked the "Use Drop Shadows for icon labels on the desktop".

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Desktop, WindowMetrics.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Desktop, Colors.
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Colors.
  • Ran Regedit and tried changing, and comparing the Color Settings between the two PC's, under: Changed all personalization settings by right clicking and selecting Personalization on the desktop. I have been through the following with no success: I want to change the color of the icon text on the 2nd PC to a solid black, as is present on the 1st PC. On the 2nd PC the text displayed under the icons on the Desktop is white with a black shadow, even when the background color is solid white!

    how to change the color of windows 8

    On the 1st PC, the text displayed under the icons on the Desktop is completely black with no shadows. This question does not pertain to Windows 7 or earlier versions of the Windows Operating System. I have two PC's, both running Windows 8.1

    How to change the color of windows 8